Properties of Enterococcus faecium isolated from the intestineof slaughting pigs |
In-doc Kim, Mi-hyun Ahn, Ho-bong Seok |
Department of Animal Science, Dankook University |
도축돈 장관에서 분리한 Enterococcus faeciurnab 특성 |
김인덕, 안미현, 석호봉 |
단국대학교 생명자원과학대학 동물자원전공 |
Abstract |
The growth characteristics and the properties of the Enterococcus faecium (E. faecium) isolated from intestine of slaughting pig were examined in order to confirm whether it will be used practically as probiotics or not. E. faecium was identified by morphological and biochemical tests including of final confirming by API strep kit. Among 264 samples, 44 isolates (16.7%) of E. faecium were observed as an exellent growth as a range of $1{ imes}10^7CFU/ml{sim}3.3{ imes}10^9CFU/ml$ in viable bacterial count on MRI medium. All isolates were shown non-haemolysis on the blood agar exception of 28 isolates shown ${alpha}$-haemolysis and were identified as E. faecium by biochemical test using API strep enzyme kits. Eight strains (18.2%) were finally selected from which they were excellent sensitivity in showing of the acid-tolerance and the bile-tolerance in compare with reference strain. |
Key Words:
E. faeciwn, Pig intestine, Probiotic properties, API strep |