Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2005;45(2):155-161.
Proteome analysis of chickens fed with tissue culture medium waste after harvest of Korean wild ginseng
Jae-Won Seol1, In Ho Hwang2, Joon-Seok Chae1, Hyung-Sub Kang1, Kyeong-Seon Ryu3, Chun-Seong Kang4, Sang-Youel Park1
1Bio-Safty Research Institute, College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonbuk National University
2National Livestock Research Institute
3Department of Animal Resources and Biotechnology, Chonbuk National University
4E&T Co. Ltd.
산삼 배양액을 급여한 육계에서 근육의 프로테옴 분석
설재원1, 황인호2, 채준석1, 강형섭1, 류경선3, 강춘성4, 박상열1
1전북대학교 수의과대학 생체안전성연구소
3농업생명과학대학 동물자원과학부
Proteomics is a useful approach to know protein expression, post-translational modification and protein function. We investigated the protein expression pattern and identity in chickens fed with the tissue culture medium waste after harvest of Korean wild ginseng (TCM-KWG) (Panax ginseng). Two groups (n=60/group) of day old broiler chickens were administered with 0 (control) and 0.8% (treatment) TCM-KWG through drinking water. After 5 weeks, we examined the protein expression pattern of fibularis longus and superficial pectoral muscle by Two-dimensional electrophoresis analysis. Interestingly, TCM-KWG treatment significantly increased five spot's density, and markedly reduced five spot's density in the muscles. We identified 10 proteins (desmin, myosin light chain 1, heat shock 25 kDa protein, collapsin response mediator protein-2A, alpha enolase, vimentin, actin alpha 1, my023 protein, pyruvate kinase and troponin T) by the matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight (MALDI-TOF).
Key Words: Proteomic analysis, Chicken, Gienseng, MALDI-TOF

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