Coexpression of PCNA and p21 for DNA repair in small intestinal crypt cells of mouse with 60Co γ-rays irradiation |
Suji Hong, Insun Hwang, Meejung Ahn, Taekyun Shin, Hong-gu Joo, HyunJeong Park, Youngheun Jee |
Department of Veterinary Medcine, College of Applied Life Sciences and Applied Radiological Science Research Institute, Cheju National University |
방사선을 조사한 마우스의 소장 음와세포에서 DNA 수복을 위한 PCNA와 p21의 발현 양상 |
홍수지, 황인선, 안미정, 신태균, 주홍구, 박현정, 지영흔 |
제주대학교 농업생명과학대학 수의학과 방사선응용과학연구소 |
Abstract |
The irradiation of radioactive ${gamma}-ray$ induces apoptosis of radiosensitive organs for homeostasis. In this study, we investigated the repair mechanisms for homeostasis in the small intestine after cell damage by $^{60}Co;{gamma}-ray$ irradiation. The apoptosis was most frequently observed in the crypt cells of the small intestine after four and six hours by radioactive ${gamma}-ray$ irradiation, and the frequency of apoptosis was proportional to the amount of irradiation. Also, the number of apoptotic cells was coincident with expression pattern of p53. Interestingly, PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) which is engaged in DNA replication and repair was expressed in apoptotic cells of small intestinal crypts. Also, it was observed that cell-cycle regulator p21 which is known to induce cell-cycle arrest is co-expressed in the same apoptotic cells of irradiated small intestinal crypt cells. These findings suggest that the co-expression of PCNA and p21 proteins, which may lead to resistance to DNA damage through cell-cycle arrest is closely associated with repair of damaged gastrointestinal cells after ${gamma}-ray$ irradiation. |
Key Words:
apoptosis, $^{60}Co{gamma}-ray$, small intestine, crypt cells, PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen), p21 |