Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2006;46(1):27-34.
Control of endemic diseases in breeding pigs by means of slaughter check
Bong-Hwan Kim1, Ji-Hoon Choo1, Kwang-Hyun Cho2, Choi-Kyu Park3, Byeong-Yeal Jung3
1College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University
2Gyeongbuk Veterinary Service Laboratory
3National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service
Slaughter check에 의한 종돈의 방역관리
김봉환1, 추지훈1, 조광현2, 박최규3, 정병열3
1경북대학교 수의과대학
This paper describes the slaughter check results of breeding pigs from the Korean Swine Testing Station for the control of endemic diseases. Gross lesions monitored in the present study included those conditions commonly associated with economically significant subclinical herd infections: enzootic pneumonia, pleuropneumonia, pleuritis, atrophic rhinitis, liver white spots, papular dermatitis and ileitis. A total of 128 slaughter pigs were investigated at 4 subsequent tests according to the slaughter check procedures established. The prevalence of enzootic pneumonia, pleuropneumonia and pleuritis in the initial test was 67.9%, 28.6% and 17.9%, respectively. However, these were decreased to 46.7%, 6.7% and 6.7%, respectively, in the last test after implementation of counter measures including clean-up protocols and medication programs (p > 0.05). The mean pneumonic score also significantly decreased from 6.8 in the initial test to 2.8 in the last test. The prevalence of atrophic rhinitis (${geq}score;2$) was 32.2% and mean atrophic rhinitis score of 1.1 were recorded. However, no significant improvement of conditions was achieved with the counter measures indicating that atrophic rhinitis was originated from the source herds and lesions developed early in the life. In the initial test, prevalence of liver white spots and papular dermatitis lesions was 21.4% and 25.0%, respectively. These conditions were cleaned by the implementation of parasite control measures with all-in all-out, strict clean-up protocols and proper medications adopted in the present study (liver white spots, p = 0.0124; papular dermatitis lesions, p = 0.0055). The prevalence of ileitis lesions in slaughter pigs from the initial test was 28.6%, it could be gradually reduced by the use of repeated treatments and control measures but the effect was not so significant (p > 0.05). In conclusion, slaughter check procedures were successfully established and applied for the control of endemic diseases in the Korean Swine Testing Station.
Key Words: atrophic rhinitis, breeding pigs, liver white spots, papular dermatitis, pneumonia, slaughter, check
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