Monitoring of anesthetic depth with q-EEG (quantitative EEG) in TIVA (total intravenous anesthesia) and VIMA (volatile induction/maintenance anesthesia) |
Soo-Han Lee1, Gyu-Jeong Noh2, Byung-Hyun Chung1 |
1College of Veterinary Medicine, Konkuk University 2Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, and Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine |
완전정맥마취와 휘발성유도/유지마취에서 정량적 뇌파를 이용한 마취심도의 감시 |
이수한1, 노규정2, 정병현1 |
1건국대학교 수의과대학 2울산의대 서울아산병원 마취통증의학교실 및 임상약리학교실 |
Abstract |
To evaluate method for monitoring anesthetic depth with quantitative electroencephalography (q-EEG), we recorded processed EEG (raw EEG) and pain score till 100 minutes in beagle dogs anesthetized for 60 minutes with propofol (n = 5, PRO group), isoflurane (n = 5, ISO group) and propofol-ketaminefentanyl (n = 5, PFK group). Raw EEG was converted into 95% spectral edge frequency (SEF) by fast Fourier transformation (FFT) method. We investigated anesthetic depth by comparing relationship (Pearson's correlation) between q-EEG (95% SEF) and pain score. Pearson's correlation coefficients are +0.2372 (p = 0.0494, PRO group), +0.79506 (p < 0.001, ISO group) and +0.49903 (p = 0.0039, PFK group). |
Key Words:
propofol, q-EEG, SEF, TIVA, VIMA |