Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2006;46(3):275-278.
Cutaneous melanocytic tumor in a slaughtered pig
Hyoung-Seok Yang, Sang-Chul Kang, Jong-Hee Bae, Jae-Hoon Kim
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Cheju National University
도축돈에서 발생한 피부 멜라닌 세포성 종양
양형석, 강상철, 배종희, 김재훈
제주대학교 농업생명과학대학 수의학과
A 7-month-old brown pig with a discoid and pedunculate mass measuring $14.0{ imes}12.5{ imes}2.5cm$ on the skin of the right shoulder was noted at the slaughter house in Jeju. The surface of mass approximately $7{ imes}4cm$ was interfaced with skin. The color of mass with firm consistency was mainly black and partially white on cut surface. Histopathologically, numerous unencapsulated endocrine-like cellular nodules of epithelioid cell type with abundant intracytoplasmic black pigment, melanin, were occupied in dermis and subcutis. Most of nodules in deep dermis were surrounded by lightly pigmented spindle cells and loose fibrous tissues. Mitotic figures were infrequently observed. The overlying epidermis was hyperplastic due to the down-growth of rete peg. Based on the gross and histopathologic findings, this case was diagnosed as cutaneous melanoma. In our best knowledge, this is the first case of swine cutaneous melanoma in Korea.
Key Words: black pigment, melanocytic tumor, pig, skin

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