Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2007;47(1):19-24.
Anti-inflammatory activities of a herbal preparation (HemoHIM) in colitis induced by trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid in rats
Hae-June Lee1, Se-Ra Kim1, Chang-Jong Moon1, Jong-Choon Kim1, Chun-Sik Bae1, Seong-Soo Kang1, U-Hee Jung2, Hae-Ran Park2, Sung-Kee Jo2, Sung-Ho Kim1
1College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University
2Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, KAERI
Trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid에 의해 유발된 랫드의 대장염에서 HemoHIM의 항염증 효과
이해준1, 김세라1, 문창종1, 김종춘1, 배춘식1, 강성수1, 정우희2, 박혜란2, 조성기2, 김성호1
1전남대학교 수의과대학
The cause and pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease remain unknown and no definitetherapy exists until now. The present study was conducted to investigate the anti-inflammatory effectsof a herbal preparation (HemoHIM) in colitis induced by 30 mg of trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS)in rats. Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 5 groups. Each group was treated with 1 mg ofHemoHIM/ml of drinking water, 4 mg of HemoHIM/ml of drinking water, 50 mg of HemoHIM/kgof body weight (i.p. once every other day) or 10 mg/kg of HemoHIMof body weight (i.p. onceevery other day) from the next day. After 2 weeks, rats were sacrificed and morphologic featuresof colons were examined. Ulceration, adhesion, thickening and dilatation were noticed in the colonicmucosa after TNBS instillation. Intraperitoneal injection of HemoHIM (50 and 100 mg/kg of bodyweight) showed the anti-inflammatory effect on adhesion, thickening, dilatation, ulceration, and theinhibition effect on damage score by 72.7% and 90.9%, respectively. Histologically, the colon of TNBS-treated rat showed inflammatory cell infiltration by polymorphonuclear cells, multiple erosive lesionsignificant improvement in these symptoms. The results obtained suggest marked anti-inflamatoryactivity of the HemoHIM at the dose levels examined.
Key Words: anti-inflammatory, colitis, HemoHIM, TNBS
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