Mesenteric torsion in a Miniature Schnauzer |
Jihye Choi1, Hyunwook Kim1, Jinkyung Kim1, Jaeyoung Jang1, Junyoung Kim2, Junghee Yoon2 |
1Haemaru Referral Animal Hospital, Seongnam 2College of Veterinary Medicine and BK21 Program for Veterinary Science, Seoul National University |
Miniature Schnauzer에서 발생한 장간막 염전 1증례 |
최지혜1, 김현욱1, 김진경1, 장재영1, 김준영2, 윤정희2 |
1해마루 이차진료동물병원 2서울대학교 수의과대학 BK21 수의과학연구인역양성사업단 |
Abstract |
Mesenteric torsion was diagnosed in a 2-year-old, spayed female Miniature Schnauzer. The patient was presented with acute depression, vomiting, lethargy and hematochezia. On physical examination, severe dehydration, tachycardia, tachypnea, weak femoral pulse, delayed capillary refill time and pale mucous membrane were found and the dog was in shock. Radiography and ultrasonography revealed intestines distended with gas, ascites and the "C" shaped distended intestine. Medical treatments including fluid therapy, analgesics, antibiotics and lidocaine for reducing reperfusion injury were applied. And then, the mesenteric torsion was definitively diagnosed through exploratory laparotomy and intestinal resection and anastomosis were performed. The dog made an uneventful recovery and was free of clinical sign one week after surgery. Mesenteric torsion is an unusual and life-threatening disease in dogs. It has usually been described in the middle and large breed dogs, especially German Shepherds. However, the mesenteric torsion should be included in the differential diagnostic lists for acute abdomen even in small breed dog. The mortality rate of mesenteric torsion can be reduced through prompt diagnosis, proper preventive therapy for shock and reperfusion injury and emergency surgery. |
Key Words:
acute abdomen, dog, mesenteric torsion, reperfusion injury |