Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2008;48(2):215-218.
Treatment for acute renal failure occurred by ingestion of grape skins in a dog
Hyun-Wook Oh, Hyung-Kyou Jun, Ho-Jung Choi, Young-Won Lee, Kun-Ho Song
College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University
개에서 포도껍질 섭취 후 발생한 급성신부전 치료 증례
오현욱, 전형규, 최호정, 이영원, 송근호
충남대학교 수의과대학
A 2-year-old, female, Maltese dog (3.2 kg of body weight) was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, Chungnam National University with vomiting, anorexia and depression. Twelve hours prior to the onset of clinical signs, the dog ingested some grape skins (about 60 g). Physical examination at the time of presentation showed peripheral edema and mucous pallor. Blood and blood chemical analysis revealed anemia and moderate azotemia with elevated blood urea nitrogen (107.2 mg/dl), creatinine (6.3 mg/dl) and hyperphosphatemia (11.3 mg/dl). Echogenicity of renal cortex were observred by ultrasonography. The dog was diagnosed as acute renal failure occurred by grape skin toxicosis. The dog was treated with supportive care such as fluid therapy, diuretics (furosemide) and phosphorus binder (almagate). A normal condition of blood and blood chemical findings and clinical signs was observed at five days after treatment, and prognosis is good to date.
Key Words: acute renal failure, dog, grape skin, ingestion

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