The effect of Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Tang on ultraviolet B-induced skin damages in mouse |
Joong-Sun Kim1, Hae-June Lee2, Myoung-Sub Song1, Heung-Sik Seo1, Changjong Moon1, Jong-Choon Kim1, Chun-Sik Bae1, Sung-Kee Jo3, Sung-Ho Kim1 |
1College of Veterinary Medicine and Institute of Veterinary Science, Chonnam National University 2Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Science 3Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, KAERI |
자외선 B 조사 마우스에서 피부손상에 대한 보중익기탕의 효과 |
김중선1, 이해준2, 송명섭1, 서흥식1, 문창종1, 김종춘1, 배춘식1, 조성기3, 김성호1 |
1전남대학교 수의과대학 및 동물의학연구소 2한국원자력의학원 3한국원자력연구원 정읍방사선과학연구소 |
Abstract |
The effect of Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Tang (BZYQT) on the changes of ultraviolet (UV) light B radiation-induced apoptotic sunburn cell (SBC) and epidermal ATPase-positive dendritic cell (DC) in SKH1- hr or ICR mouse were investigated. The mice were treated with UVB (200 mJ/$cm^2$) and were sacrificed 24 h later. BZYQT (50 mg/kg of body weight) or vehicle (saline) was given i.p. at 36 and 12 h before irradiation, and 30 min after irradiation or BZYQT cream (0.2%) or cream base (vehicle) was topically treated at 24 h and 15 min before irradiation, and immediately after irradiation. The skin of SKH1-hr mouse prepared from the back of untreated mice exhibited about 0.3 SBC/cm length of epidermis, and 24 h after UV irradiation, the applied areas show an increased number of SBCs. But the frequency of UVB-induced SBC formation was reduced by intraperitoneal injection of BZYQT extract (p < 0.01). The numbers of DC in normal ICR mouse were 628.00 ${pm}$ 51.56 or 663.20 ${pm}$ 62.58 per $mm^2$ of ear epidermis. By 1 day after UVB treatment, the number of ATPase-positive cells/$mm^2$ were decreased by 39.0% or 27.1% in i.p. or topical application group with vehicle. Treatment of BZYQT was associated with increase of 33.9% in i.p. group (p < 0.05) or 2.7% in topical application group in the number of ATPase positive cells compared with the irradiation control group. The results presented herein that BZYQT administration could reduce the extent of skin damages produced by UVB. |
Key Words:
ATPase-positive dendritic cell, Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Tang, sunburn cell, ultraviolet B |