Comparison of tuberculin skin test with Interferon-γ assay for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis in Korean cattle |
Seung Won Shin1, Min Kyoung Shin1, Seung Bin Cha1, Jong Tae Woo2, Sung Mo Lee3, Bok Kyung Ku4, Yun Sang Cho4, Suk Chan Jung4, Han Sang Yoo1 |
1College of Veterinary Medicine and BK21 for Veterinary Science, Seoul National University 2Gyeonggido Veterinary Service 3Incheon Metropolitan City Institute of Health & Environment 4Bacterial Disease Division, Department of Animal and Plant Health Research, Animal, Plant and Fisheries Quarantine and Inspection Agency |
국내 우군에서 소 결핵 진단을 위한 피내검사법과 Interferon-γ 생성 검사의 비교 |
신승원1, 신민경1, 차승빈1, 우종태2, 이성모3, 구복경4, 조윤상4, 정석찬4, 유한상1 |
1서울대학교 수의과대학 및 BK21 수의과학인력양성사업단 2경기도 축산위생연구소 3인천광역시 보건환경연구원 가축위생시험소 4농림수산검역검사본부 동식물위생연구부 세균질병과 |
Abstract |
Bovine tuberculosis (bTB), caused primarily by Mycobacterium bovis, continues to exert an economic loss, even in countries with active control measures, and is one of zoonotic diseases enable to be transmitted to human. The control and eradication of bTB are mainly based on a test and slaughter policy and/or abattoir surveillance. Various factors including limitation of diagnostic tests have been considered as major constraints to eradication. Single intradermal test (SIT) is the official diagnostic test. New diagnostic methods are needed to be developed, because of limitations of the test. In the present study SIT was compared with single intradermal comparative cervical test (SICCT) and interferon (IFN)-${gamma}$ assay. There was very low correlation between SIT and SICCT. However, high correlation was shown between SIT and IFN-${gamma}$ assay while no correlation was observed between SICCT and IFN-${gamma}$ assay. Therefore, our results suggest the possibility of replacement of SIT with IFN-${gamma}$ assay for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis. |
Key Words:
bovine tuberculosis, IFN-${gamma}$ assay, SICCT, SIT |