Radiation safety management for diagnostic radiation generators and employees in animal hospitals in Korea |
Hyo-Jin An, Chung-Hyun Kim, Young-Jin Kwon, Don-Hwan Kim, Sung-Hwan Wee, Jin-San Moon |
Veterinary Pharmaceutical Management Division, Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency |
동물병원의 진단용 방사선 발생장치 및 방사선종사자 안전관리 실태 조사 |
안효진, 김충현, 권영진, 김돈환, 위성환, 문진산 |
농림축산검역본부 동물약품관리과 |
Abstract |
A nationwide survey on radiation safety management in Korean animal hospitals was conducted. By 2013, 53 radiation generators were registered as veterinary medical devices (41 X-ray generators and 12 computed tomography scanners). Additionally there were six approved laboratories for radiation equipment and protection facility, and five approved laboratories for radiation exposure of employees, respectively. By March 2013, 2,030 out of 3,829 animal hospitals operated radiation-generating devices. Among these devices, 389 (19.2%) out of 2,030 were not labeled with the model name and 746 (36.7%) were not labeled with production dates. Thus, most veterinary X-ray generators were outdated (42.6%) and needed replacements. When periodic inspections of 2,018 animal hospitals were performed after revision of the Veterinarians Act in 2011, the hospitals were found to be equipped with appropriate radiation generators and protection facilities. Among 2,545 employees exposed to radiation at the hospitals, 93.9% were veterinarians, 4.3% were animal nurse technicians, and 18% held other positions. Among 169 employees supervised by administrators, none of those had a weekly maximum operating load that exceeded $10mA{cdot}min$. This study suggests that the radiation safety management system of animal hospitals was general good. |
Key Words:
animal hospital, diagnostic radiation generator, radiation related workers, radiation safety management |