Prevalence and pathologic study of porcine salmonellosis in Jeju |
Hyoung-Seok Yang1, Sang-Chul Kang2, Ae-Ran Kim3, Byeong-Yeal Jung3, Jae-Hoon Kim4 |
1Jeju Self-Governing Provincial Veterinary Research Institute 2Optipharm Inc. 3Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency 4College of Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Medical Research Institute, Jeju National University |
제주도 내 돼지 살모넬라증의 발생 양상 분석 및 병리학적 연구 |
양형석1, 강상철2, 김애란3, 정병열3, 김재훈4 |
1제주특별자치도 동물위생시험소 2옵티팜 3농림축산검역본부 4제주대학교 수의과대학 및 수의과학연구소 |
Abstract |
Salmonella (S.) Typhimurium is highly contagious, and its infection may rapidly spread within pig populations of herd. According to the survey (1,191 pigs) from 2003 to 2012, 155 pigs (13.0%) were diagnosed as salmonellosis in Jeju. Major porcine salmonellosis cases (88.4%) were concentrated in 4- to 12-week-old weaned pigs, but 6 pigs (3.9%) under 4 weeks old were also diagnosed. Based on the histopathologic examinations, ulcerative enteritis (63.9%) in the large intestine and/or paratyphoid nodules formation (57.4%) in the liver were most prevalent lesions in porcine salmonellosis. Single infection of S. Typhimurium and mixed infection with more than 2 pathogens were detected in 38 (24.5%) and 117 (75.5%) in pigs, respectively. Co-infections of Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and Porcine circovirus type 2 were very common in porcine salmonellosis in Jeju and detected in 84 (54.2%) and 59 (38.1%) pigs, respectively. Based on the serotyping tests using 41 bacterial isolates, S. Typhimurium and S. Rissen were confirmed in 39 (95.1%) and 2 (4.9%) cases, respectively. |
Key Words:
Salmonella infections, Salmonella Typhimurium, coinfection, paratyphoid nodule, ulcerative enteritis |