Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1964;4(1):7-14.
Studies on the Canine Babesiasis which Occurred in Korea III. Clinical Observation on the Naturally Infected Dogs
Jae-Young Son
한국(韓國)에서 발생(發生)한 Canine Babesiasis 에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) 제삼보(第三報) 자연발생환견(自然發生患犬)의 임상관찰(臨床觀察) 및 환견발생지역(患犬發生地域) 사육견(私肉犬)에 대(對)한 조사(調査)
경북대학교 농과대학 수의학과
Seven cases of canine babesiasis were observed by clinically, hematologically and immunologically in the Kyungbook and Pusan area from May 1961 to October 1963. And a survey was conducted on the rising pups for their babesia, infection in the broken out districts of the disease. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Severe cases of canine babesiasis due to the same agent have been encountered in various breed, of dogs in widely separated location in the Kyungpook and Pusan area. 2. The principal symptoms oserved in infected dogs were severe anemia, weakness, inappetence, moderate fever or subnormal body temperature, increased respiration and pulse, palpitation, icterus, hemogrobinuria and redish yellow defecation. 3. Of hematological findings, decrease in erythrocytes count, hemoglobin content was evident and severe anemic changes occured which were associated with macrocytic anisocytosis. The differential leucocytes counts showed a tendency to increased monocytes and decreased monocytes and decreased basophil. 4. The principal anatomic chabges observed in two cases of infected dogs were severe anemic and icteric changes, markedly enlarged spleen, and enlarged liver with distended gall bladder. 5. Haemaphysalis bispinosa was suspected as being the principal vector of the infection. 6. It was suspected that chronic canine babesiasis would prevailed widely in Kyungpook and Pusan area, and that dogs are raised in such infected environment usually suffer only from the mild, chronic form, which may be practically symptomless, while imported dogs usually suffer from the acute form of the disease.

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