Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1968;8(2):65-67.
Studies on the Concentration of Total Serum Protein of Milk Goat and Milk Cow Fed in Korea
Soon Tong Chung1, Hi Taek Cho2, Yong So Rhee3
1Chinju Agricultural College
2College of Agriculture, Seoul University
3Provincial Health Center of Domestic Animal
유산양(乳山羊)과 유우(乳牛)의 혈청총단백량(血淸總蛋白量)에 관(關)하여
정순동1, 조희택2, 이영소3
2서울대학교 농과대학
3경상남도 가축보건소
Observations were made to determine the effects of age and season upon the total serum protein values of milk goats(female) and milk cows fed in Korea. The results obtained in this work were summerized as follows; 1. In adults. the average concentrations of total serum protein of milk goats and milk cows were higher than in the younger, and were generally increased with the advance of age. The rate of increase in total serum protein value was more significant in the younger than that of adults. 2. The average concentrations of total serum protein of milk cows were significantly higher than those of milk goats. 3. Seasonal variation of total serum protein value was not observed in milk cows. 4. The average concentration of total serum protein of milk goat fed in Korea was much lower than that reported from the Occident, and this difference seemed to be influenced by the ration low in protein.

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