Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1969;9(1):1-9.
Studies on the Phrenic Nerve Fibers in the dog II. On the Myelinated Fibers of the Intradiaphragmatic Branches
Kwang Doo Ko1, Suk Bong Yoon2, Joon Sup Lee2
1Chun Chon Agricultural College
2College of Agriculture, Seoul National University
개의 횡격막신경섬유(橫隔膜神經纖維)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) 제(第)II보(報) 횡격막신경(橫隔膜神經)의 횡격막내분기(橫隔膜內分技)의 유수섬유(有髓纖維)에 관(關)하여
고광두1, 윤석봉2, 이준섭2
2서울대학교 농과대학
The experimental studies were performed to observe the characteristics of the myelinated nerve fibers of the tradiaphragmatic branches of phrenic nerves in dog In the work to be reported five mixed breed Korean dog were used, they were one year old and he body eights were about 12 Kgm. in average with healthy conditions. The specimens (nerve) were taken at the point of 1.5 cm posterior part from the left and right phrenic nerves entrance to the diaphragm, and the dorso-lateral and dorso-medial branches of phrenic nerves vere also, taken at the point of 0.5 cm distal part from their branching portion. The specimens were fixed for 24 hrs. in Flemming's solution, and embedded in paraffin. The paraffin section. were cut at 6 microns and stained with Walter's modification of Weigert-pal method for the myelinated fibers. Microphotographs were taken and enlarged into 750 times of the actual size, and the diameter of the photographic images of the myelinated fibers were measured by the scale on the transparent Percepex Plate. The following conclusions were made: 1. The percentage of distribution of the several intradiaphragmatic branches of phrenic nerves were as follows. Ventral branches were 34.97%, lateral branches were 37.90%, dorsal branches were 27.13%, and the dorsal branches were branched again into dorso-lateral branches(54.22%) and dorso-medial branches (45. 78%). 2. The mean value and S.D. of the total numbers of the myelinated nerve fibers at the left ventral branches were $490.80{pm}12$, and at the right ventral branches were $486.6{pm}13$. Total average cross sectional area on the left ventral branches were 38,000. $6{pm}136{mu}^2$, and the right ventral branches were $37,150.2{pm}1.782{mu}^2$. 3. The mean value and S.D. of the total numbers of the myelinated nerve fibers at the left lateral branches were $533.8{pm}8$, and at the right lateral branches were $525.6{pm}7$. Total average cross sectional area of the left lateral branches were $41,582{pm}1,170{mu}^2$, and the right lateral branches were $40,454.8{pm}812{mu}^2$. 4. The mean value and S.D. of the total numbers of the myelinated nerve fibers at the left dorsal branches were $378.2{pm}14$, and at the right dorsal branches were $380.2{pm}8$. Total average cross sectional area of the left dorsal branches were $27,771{pm}1,256{mu}^2$, and the right dorsal branches were $27,507.2{pm}645{mu}^2$. 5. The mean value and S.D. of the total numbers of the myelinated fibers at the left dorso-lateral branches were $205.4{pm}15$, and at the right dorso-lateral branches were $210.6{pm}17$. Total average cross sectional area of the left dorso lateral branches were $15,354. 8{pm}1,519{mu}^2$, and the right dorsal branches were $15,887{pm}1,297{mu}^2$. 6. The mean value and S.D. of the total numbers of the myelinated nerve fibers at the left dorso-medial branches were $175{pm}14$, and at the right dorso-medial branches were $176.2{pm}17$. Total average cross sectional area of the left dorso-medial branches were $13,037.4{pm}944{mu}^2$, and at the right dorso-medial branches were, $13,103{pm}1,373{mu}^2$. 7. The highest frequent distribution of the intradiaphragmatic branches of phrenic nerves were found in the $10-12{mu}^2$ groups, and they were almost 30% of the total groups. 8. The largest fibers diameter were in the $14-16{mu}^2$ groups, and these were shown the lowest frequent distribution. 9. The largest cross sectional area of the intradiaphragmatic branches of phrenic nerves were found in the $10-12{mu}^2$ groups. 10. All of the intradiaphragmatic branches of phrenic nerves were unimodal which has a peak in the $10-12{mu}^2$ groups.
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