Serum Transaminase Activity of Korean Cattle |
Tchi C. Nam1, Mahn J. Yong1, Chang K. Cheung2 |
1Seoul Municipal College of Agriculture 2College of Agriculture, Seoul National University |
한우(韓牛)의 혈청(血淸) Transaminase 활성도(活性度)에 대(對)하여 |
남치주1, 용만중1, 정창국2 |
1서울농업대학 2서울대학교 농과대학 |
Abstract |
The effects of sex and age on the serum transaminase activity of 57 healthy Korean cattle (22 females and 35 males) were observed. Serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase (SGOT) activity of the female revealed significantly higher value than that of the males. In the females, SGOT activity of 4 and 5 years group was a little decreased than 2 and 3 years, but difference was not recognized. On the other hand, SGOT activity of 4 and 5 years showed high significant increase as compared with that of 2 and 3 years in the males. The effects of sex and age on serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) activity and total protein levels were not found. |