Experimental Studies on Detection of Salmonellae in Animal-origin Foods by Means of Dirct Fluorescent Antibody Technique |
Moo Hyeong Jeon1, Youn Ho Cha1, Gill Taik Chung2 |
1Institute of Veterinary Research, Office of Rural Development 2Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Agriculture, Seoul National University |
직접형광항체법(直接螢光抗體法)에 의한 축산식품중(畜産食品中)의 Salmonella 균(菌) 검출(檢出)에 관한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究) |
전무형1, 차연호1, 정길택2 |
1농촌진흥청 가축위생연구소 2서울대학교 농과대학 수의학과 |
Abstract |
The experiment was performed in order to investigate the applicability of the rapid detection of salmonellae in various animal-origin foods by means of the direct fluorescent antibody technique. Egg, sausage and chicken were inoculated with various concentrations of Sal.paratuphi A, Sal. paratyhi B and Sal. thompson, and the fluorescent antibody technique was applied and compared with the conventional cultura method for the sensitivity of detection of the organisms. Two methods were employed in the fluorescent antibody technique; the direct smear method in which the smear being made directly from the specimens, and the enrichment smear method in which the smear being made from the enrichment broth. The effect of various enrichment time (1,5,8,11 and 13 hours) in tetrathionate broth on the detection of salmonellae in the fluoresent antibody technique was also studied. The results obtained were summarized as followings; 1. Of the three methods, the enrichment smear method of fluorescedt antibody technique was highly effective as cultural method for the detection of salmonella organisms. 2. Direct smear method of fluorescent antibody technique was effective as two other methods $5{ imes}10^4$ organisms presented in 50 g(ml) of specimens. This method may not be applicable when the specimens contained $5{ imes}10^2$ or less organisms. 3. Of the three specimens, the recovery rate of Salmonella organisms from egg was slightly higher than that of sausage and chicken. 4. In fluorescent antibody technique and cultural method, the specimens inoculated with Sal. thompson were found to be higher detection rate than the specimens inoculated with Sal. paratyphi A, 5. The optimum enrichment time of Salmonella organisms in tetrathionate broth on the detection by fluorscent antibody technique was found to be 11 hours or longer when the specimens of egg, sausage and chicken were inoculated with approximately 500 organisms. The longer enrichment time was the higher detection rate up to 11 hours tested. |