Epizootiological Study on Infestation Rate of Parasites in Zoo Animals |
Young Jae Lim1, Won Chang Lee2 |
1Yongin Farm Land Animal Hospital 2Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Animal Husbandry, Konkuk University |
동물원(動物園)에서 사육중(飼育中)인 야생동물(野生動物)의 기생충감염(寄生蟲感染) 관(關)한 조사(調査) |
박영재1, 이원창2 |
1용인자연농원 동물병원 2건국대학교 축산대학 |
Abstract |
Parasites of wild animals are closely related with parasites of domestic animals. Wild animals take charge of an important role at parasitic infestation of domestic animals because of unrestrained movement. The authors carried out the work of actual condition of parasitic infestation on wild animals, total 1,014 cases, in the Korean Zoo. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Total rate of parasitic infestation was 36.1% with infestation of 366 among 1,014 cases. The rate of single infestation was 32.6% with infestation of 331 cases, double infestation 3.1% with 31 cases, triple infestation 0.2% with 2 cases and quadrople infestation 0.2% with 2 cases. 2. The parasites on the zoo animals were identified as follows: Lion: Sarcoptiform, Toxocara sp., Toxascaris leonina, Ancylostoma sp. and Isospora spp. Puma: Toxocara sp., Ancylostoma sp. and Isospora sp. Leopard: Toxocara spp., Ancylostoma sp., Trichuris sp., Dibothriocephalus sp. and Physaloptera sp. Wolf: Sarcoptiform and Dibothriocephalus spp. Fox: Trichuris sp., Capillaria aerophila, Spirocerca sp., Paragonimas kellicotti. Jackal: Sarcoptiform, Ascaris sp. and Echinococcus granulosus. Wild Cat: Dibothriocephalus sp. Tiger: Toxascaris leonina. Bear: Sarcoptiform, Metastrongylus apri, Ancylostoma sp. and Ascaris sp. Raccoon and Raccoon dog: Sarcoptiform, Paragonimus kelliotti, and Isospora sp. Boar: Oesophagostomum spp. and Eimeria spp. Mortkey: Sarcoptiform, Trichuris sp., Physaloptera spp.. Enterobius sp. and Isospora sp. Elephant: Sarcoptiform, Strongyloides sp. and Strongylus spp. Deer: Sarcoptiform, Strongyloides sp., Trichuris ovis, Mccistocirrus digitatus, Haemonchus sp., Oesophagostomum radiatum, Paramphistornum spp., Bunostomum phlebotomum, Fasciola hepatica and Eimeria spp. Bison: Sarcoptiform, Haernonchus sp., Marshallagia sp., Nematodirus sp. and Eimeria sp. Zebra: Strongylus sp. and Parascaris equorum. Goral and Barbary: Sarcoptiform, Haemonchus sp., Oesophagostomum venulosum, Moniezia sp. and Eimeria spp. Lama: Strongyloides sp. and Haemonchus sp. Kangaroo: Strongyloides sp. and Haemonchus sp. Camel: Strongyloides sp., Trichuris ovis and Eimeria sp. Peacock and the Other Birds: Sarcoptiform, Capillaria contorta, Capillaria caudinflata, Ascaridia spp., Heterakis spp., Hymenolepis sp., Eimeria spp., Histomonas, Ornithionyssus bacoti, Macrochelidae and Trichomonas. 3. Among the zoo animals, wild carnivora were infestated with the parasites which are common parasites of dogs and cats, wild herbivora were infestated with the parasites of herbivora domestic animals. and wild fowls were infestated with the parasites of domestic fowls. |