Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1979;19(1):1-8.
Comparative Anatomic Structures of Nonhuman Primate Lungs 1. Literature Review
Moo Gorng Kim1, James C.S. Kim2
1Department of Anatomy, Chungnam National University, Medical School
2Department of Pathology, Dalta Regional Primate Research Center, Tulane University
영장동물폐(靈長動物肺)의 비교해부학적연구(比較解剖學的硏究) 1. 문헌적고찰(文獻的考察)
김무강1, 2
1충남대학교 의과대학 해부학교실
Detailed human gross anatomic structures have been characterized. No similar data are available in nonhuman primate species in spite of close phylogenic similarity found between man and nonhuman primates. The ever increasing incidence of lung cancer and air pollution related respiratory ailments found in man emphasizes the need for an ideal animal model for studying pathogenesis of these various human pulmonary diseases. Thus, detailed investigation of pulmonary structures found in various species of nonhuman primates is warranted. For determining primate gross pulmonary anatomic structure, published works concerning the number of tracheal cartilage, angle of tracheal bifurcation, caliber of trachea, lung lobe and bifurcation position of trachea recorded for several species of nonhuman pimates, were reviewed. Limited information is available concerning the number of tracheal cartilage, width of tracheal cartilage, angle of bronchus, caliber of trachea and bronchus, and the bifurcation position of the trachea including the length of bronchus on nonhuman primates. Since scanty data have been gathered with no specific reference to their age, sex and body weight, they have no comparative values.

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