Effects of Epinephrine, Cortisone or Insulin on Hepatic Triglyceride Accumulation in Mice |
Soon Bok Kim1, Cha Soo Lee2 |
1Institute of Veterinary Research, Office of Rural Development 2Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Agriculture, Gyeongbug National University |
Epinephrine, Cortisone 및 Insulin이 마우스 간장(肝臟)의 지방축적(脂肪蓄積)에 미치는 영향(影響) |
김순복1, 이차수2 |
1농촌진흥청 가축위생연구소 2경북대학교 농과대학 |
Abstract |
In order to compare the effects of epinephrine, cortisone or insulin on the hepatic storage of triglycerides, the fatty liver was induced in mice by the subcutaneous injection for 30 days of either epinephrine, cortisone or insulin. The morphological characteristics of fatty liver in relation to the inducing agents was observed with the following results. 1. The fatty liver induced by epinephrine or cortisone was characterized by the centrilobular accumulation of triglycerides although the degree of accumulation by epinephrine appeared to be much higher than that by cortisone. 2. The fatty liver produced by insulin, however, was characterized by the infiltration of small-sized lipid droplets scattering all over the hepatic lobules. |