A Survey on Helminth Parasites of Cats in Gyeongbug Area II. Trematodes |
Hi Suk Lee |
Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Agriculture, Gyeonbug National University |
경북지방(慶北地方) 고양이 내부기생충(內部寄生蟲) 조사(調査) II. 흡충류(吸蟲類) |
이희석 |
경북대학교 농과대학 수의학과 |
Abstract |
This survey conducted to know the species of helminth parasites of cats slaughtered in Daegu during the period from July to September in 1977. A total of 65 cases of internal organs of cats was used for this examination. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. Six species of trematodes belong to order digenea were found; Clonorchis sinensis (Cobbolt, 1875), Heteropheys heterophyes nocens (Onji et Nisinio, 1915), Metagonismus yokogawai(Katsurada, 1912), Centrocestus sp. Echinochasmus perfoliattlus (Ratz, 1908), and Echinopharyphium sp. 2. Five species except Clonorchis sinens are firstly recorded in cats in Korea. |