Outbreak of Canine Parvoviral Enteritis in Korea |
Young-Ok Rhee1, Dae-Young Choi1, Bong-Kyun Park1, Hong-Ryul Han2, Eui-Kyung Hwang2, Gyu-Yeon Yoo2 |
1Institute of Veterinary Research, Office of Rural Development 2College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University |
개 파보바이러스성(性) 장염(腸炎)의 국내발생(國內發生) |
이영옥1, 최대영1, 박봉균1, 한홍율2, 황의경2, 유규연2 |
1가축위생연구소 2서울대학교 수의과대학 |
Abstract |
The disease syndrome characterized by the acute vomiting and diarrhea with high mortality had been greatly epidemic in Korea since June, 1931 and it was followed serologically and electron microscopically for the clarification of the agent. The agent present in feces of dogs associated with this syndrome had characteristic feature in agglutinating pig red blood cells that was specifically inhibited by anti-CPV reference dog serum. This also showed the serological identity with the reference CPV antigen in immuno-diffusion. Electron micrograph of the material revealed parvovirus particles with size of 20nm and icosahedral structure. These results clearly indicated that CPV was the primary cause of canine epidemic prevailing in 1981 in Korea. |