Outbreak of Leucocytozoonosis in Chickens |
Soo-Dong Kwak1, Jong-Sik Jyeong2 |
1Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Agriculture, Gyeongsang National University 2Gyeongbug Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory |
닭 Leucocytozoon병(病)의 집단발생(集團發生)과 병리학적(病理學的) 관찰(觀察) |
곽수동1, 정종식2 |
1경상대학교 농과대학 2경상북도 가축위생시험소 |
Abstract |
The clinical and histopathological observation of leucocytozoonosis was carried out during July, 1982 at a poultry compound in Gyeongbuk province and the results were summarized as follows: 1. Leucocytozoonosis was observed in 36,900 of 59,900 chickens (61.6%) and the mortality rate was 18.3% (6,760 of 36,900 chickens infected). 2. Clinical findings were anorexia, dyspnea, paleness of comb, greenish diarrhea and reduction of egg production. 3. Gross lesions were yellowish white spots scattered on parenchymal organs and swelling of liver and spleen. In addition, petechiation and ecchymosis of small intestine, egg yolk and subcutaneous tissues were observed. 4. Histological findings were infiltration of mononuclear cells in liver, heart and lung, appearance of megaloschizonts in heart, liver, proventriculus and pancreas, proliferation of foreign body giant cells in heart, and hyperemia and swelling of all parenchymal organs. |