Isolation of Epithelial Like Cells from the Rabbit Myometrium: the Distribution of Creatine Kinase and Plasminogen Activator |
Chung-wha Lee1, M. Raja Iyengar2 |
1College of Agriculture, Gyeongsang National University 2School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania |
토끼 자궁근충에서 분리한 상피세포의 배양 분리 : 크레아틴 카이네이스와 플래스민 활성인자의 분포 |
이정화1, 2 |
1경상대학교 농과대학 2 |
Abstract |
Cells with an epithelioid morphology were isolated from the rabbit myometrium and were grown in culture. The cells had a doubling time of 53 hours when grown in the presence of 10% fetal calf serum in Basal Eagle's medium with 3mM glutamine. In the presence of estrogen plus insulin, doubling time was reduced to 40 hours. Creatine kinase activity upon reaching confluency was determined to be 0.019 unit per mg protein. Approximately 30% of the activity was extractable only in high ionic strength buffer. Cells also contained plasminogen activator with a specific activity of 140 CTA units per million cells. Creatine kinase was mainly BB form. The cells contained a cross reactive protein against bovine smooth muscle uterine anti-myosin. |