Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1986;26(1):11-17.
Anatomical Studies on Arterial Supplies of Eyeball of the Korean Native Goat
Heung-shik Lee, Dae-joong Kim
Callege of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University
한국재래산양 안구의 동맥분포에 관한 해부학적 연구
이흥식, 김대중
서울대학교 수의과대학
The arterial supply to the eyeball of the Korean native goat has been described. Observations were made by dissection of ten Korean native goats fixed in embalming fluid and injected with neoprene latex. The results were as follows. 1. The eyeball and accessory ocular organ of the Korean native goat received its blood supply chiefly from the A. ophthalmica externa and partly from the branches of A. temporalis superficialis and A. malaris. 2. A. ophthalmica externa formed Rete mirabile ophthalmicum after giving off Ramus muscularis and A. lacrimalis, and continued to A. supraorbitalis. 1) A. lacrimalis was given off between Mm. rectus lateralis and dorsalis, and supplied lacrimal gland. 2) Rete mirabile ophthalmicum gave off A. ciliares posteriores longae and Rami musculares. A. ciliates posteriores longae gave off A. ciliates posteriores medialis and lateralis, Ramus anastomoticus cum A. ophthalmica interna, A. centralis retinae, Aa. ciliares posteriores breves and Aa. episcaeralis. Rami musculares supplied to M. rectus dorsalis, M. obliquus dorsalis, M. retractor bulbi, M. levator palpebrae superioris and M. rectus medialis, and continued Aa. ciliares anteriores after giving off A. episclerales and A. conjunetivales. 3) A. supraorbitalis supplied to M. rectus dorsalis. M. obliquus dorsalis and conjuntiva, and passed into supraorbital foramen. 3. A. malaris gave off A. palpebrae tertiae, A. palpebralis inferior medialis and A. palpebralis superior medialis, which supplied to third eyelid, medial aspect of the eyelids and conjunctiva. 4. A. temporalis superficialis gave off A. palpebralis inferior lateralis and A. palpebralis superior lateralis, which supplied to lateral aspect of the eyelids, M. orbicularis oculi and M. frontoscutularis.

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