Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1989;29(4):493-501.
Suceptibility to animal serum and antimicrobial agents of Campylobacter jejuni isolated from pigs and chicken
Soo-cheung Lee, Ho-jo Kang
Collage of Veterinary Medicine, Gyeongsang National University
닭과 돼지에서 분리한 Campylobacter jejuni의 동물혈청 및 항균성 물질에 대한 감수성
이수청, 강호조
경상대학교 수의과대학
A total of 108 strains of C jejuni isolated from pigs and chickens were examined for the susceptibility to 10 antimicrobial agents and normal sera of cattle, sheep, guinea pigs and chickens. Minimal inhibitory concentration(MIC) ranges of antimicrobial agents to C jejuni isolates were $${leq_-}1.56$$ to $${geq_-}100{mu}g/ml$$ for erythromycin, rifampin, streptomycin and tetracycline, 50 to $${geq_-}100{mu}g$$ for cephalothin, $${leq_-}1.56$$ to $50{mu}g$ for ampicillin, $${leq_-}1.56$$ to $25{mu}g$ for kanamycin and nalidixic acid, $${leq_-}1.56$$ to $12.5{mu}g$ for chloramphenicol and gentamicin. Resistance rates of C jejuni were showed to in order of rifampin(84.7%), tetracycline(56.2 %), erythromycin(17.1%) and ampicillin(3.8%), all of the strains were sensitive to chloramphenicol, gentamicin and kanamycin, and the incidence rates of resistant C jejuni were highly frequent in pig isolates than chicken isolates. The drug resistance patterns of 87 chicken isolates C jejuni to 9 antimicrobial drugs were showed 12 patterns, and Sm Ra Tc(24.1%), Sm Ra(21.8%) and Ra Tc(14.9%) were relatively common, and also 21 pig isolates were showed 6 patterns and Em Sm Ra Tc(57.1%) were most frequent. The majority of the isolates showed multiple drug resistance. Bactericidal activity of 10% normal sera from healthy animals were examined for 60min at $37^{circ}C$. C jejuni were decreased from 0.4 to 1.0 ${log}_{10}$(p<0.01), and serum susceptibility were high in order of guinea pig, sheep, chicken and cattle sera. Serum sensitivity of C jejuni Ch-39 strain in increased serum concentation up to 10, 20, 40 and 80% were highly significant. In the normal animal serum, the number of Ch-39 strain were decreased from $1.8{ imes}10^4/ml$ to $2.7{ imes}10^3/ml$ after 60 min incubation(p<0.01), but the numbers were decreased to $6.6{ imes}10^3/ml$ in the heat inactivated normal serum for 30 min at $56^{circ}C$. Bactericidal activity was restored in the heat inactivated normal serum after the serum of complement source was added.
Key Words: C jejuni, antimicrobial agents, animal serum, susceptibliity

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