Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1999;39(5):951-960.
Detection of urinary trypsinogen-2 for diagnosis of canine acute pancreatitis
Hong-ryul Han, Cheol-yong Hwang, Son-il Pak, Tae-ho Oh
Department of Veterinary Internal Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University
뇨중 trypsinogen-2 검출을 이용한 개의 급성 췌장염 진단
한홍율, 황철용, 박선일, 오태호
서울대학교 수의과대학 내과학교실
We performed this study to evaluate the potential clinical marker of urinary trypsinogen-2 together with amylase, lipase and urinary amylase creatinine clearance ratio (ACCR) for the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis in dogs. In the experiment on daily changing patterns of amylase, lipase and ACCR measurements in experimentally induced pancreatitis dogs, compared to values measured in pre-induction state, significant difference was seen in amylase until 5th day of induction, and for lipase significant difference was found during the 7th day of observation period (p < 0.05). No significant difference was found in ACCR for the study period (p > 0.05). On SDS-PAGE analysis of urine from experimentally induced pancreatitis dog, The 26kd band was markedly increased compared with that of normal state and that band was confirmed trypsinogen-2 using substrate interaction and isoelectric focusing assay after being eluted. When assessing the appearance of 26kd band on urine SDS-PAGE 87.1% (range: 50~100%) of experimentally induced pancreatitis dogs showed positive results, whereas no corresponding band was seen in dog without pancreatic disorders. With this result, determination of urinary trypsinogen-2 assay was found to have a high diagnostic value with a 70% of sensitivity and 100% of specificity as a routine test for pancreatitis, although the detection of trypsinogen-2 in urine can be varied on the progression stage of pancreatitis at the initial visit to animal clinic. We therefore suggest that the promising results in this study be used for the development of dipstick test for detecting acute pancreatitis in the future research.
Key Words: canine, pancreatitis, urinary trypsinogen-2, diagnosis

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