Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2000;40(3):645-652.
Epidemiological studies on Mycoplasma mastitis of dairy cows in South Korea
Hong-ryul Han1, Cheol-yong Hwang1, Dae-ho Sohn1, Mi-kyung Kim1, Jong-hyun Ryu1, Son-il Pak1, Tae-ho Oh2
1College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University
2College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University
국내 사육 유우군의 마이코플라스마균 유방감염에 관한 연구
한홍율1, 황철용1, 손대호1, 김미경1, 유종현1, 박선일1, 오태호2
1서울대학교 수의과대학
2경북대학교 수의과대학
This study was performed to investigate Mycoplasma (M) spp. infection status of dairy cow in South Korea. Among 8,485 bulk tank milk collected from dairy farms of the 5 areas, 26 samples (0.30%) were positive for Mycoplasma by direct culture method. The isolation rates of Mycoplasma spp. according to the areas were 0.51% in Kyonggi, 0.16% in Cholla, 0.23% in Gyoungsang, 0.12% in Chungchong, and 0.08% in Kangwon. In the species identification test by indirect immunoperoxidase test, 16 out of 26 isolates were identified as M bovis (61.53%), M bovigenitalium (23.07%), M californicum (7.69%), M alkalescens and Acholeplasma laidlawii (3.84%), respectively. The isolation rate of Mycoplasma spp. from 208 quarter milk samples in culling cows due to severe clinical mastitis was 3.0%. These Mycoplasma spp. were identified as M bovis (62.0%), M bovigenitalium (12.0%), M californicaum (12.0%), and M alkalescens (12.0%). This study shows that the bovine mammary gland infected by Mycoplasma spp. is present in some dairy farms and the routine culture test of bulk tank milk samples for Mycoplasma is needed for a high quality milk promotion services.
Key Words: Mycoplasma spp., dairy cow, mastitis

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