A survey on characteristics of injuries in racing horses |
Young-jin Yang1, Jae-hoon Kim1, Gil-jae Cho1, Tchi-chou Nam2 |
1Korea Racing Association 2College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University |
경주마의 경주중 사고 발생동향 |
양영진1, 김재훈1, 조길재1, 남치주2 |
1한국마사회 2서울대학교 수의과대학 |
Abstract |
This study was carried out to investigate the characteristics of 335 injured racehorses that had rested over 6 months or were retired in Seoul racecourse from 1994 to 1998. We surveyed 62,117 racing horses and incidence rate of injured horses was 0.54%. Of 335 horses, 322 horses(96.1 %) were associated with musculoskeletal disorders. The musculoskeletal disorders observed with high incidence were fracture and luxation(53.1%), tendinitis and desmitis(17.7%) in category, forelimb(92.5%) in location, below metacarpus/metatarsus(73.0%) in lesion. The prevalence rate of male, 5 years old or Ireland origin was higher than any other individual. These data would be useful standard reference for control of injuries in racing horses. |
Key Words:
injury, horse, racing, seoul racecourse |