Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2003;43(4):531-539.
The postnatal development of the rat Leydig cell
Hyun-Jin Tae1, Li-Guang Li1, Byung-Yong Park1, Young-Jae Park1, Eun-Young Choi1, Young-Hoon Lee2, Dong-Choon Ahn3, Hyung-Sub Kang4, Sang-Youel Park4, Soo-Hyun Park4, John-Hwa Lee4, Hong-Hyun Yang4, In-Shik Kim4
1College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonbuk National University
2School of Dentistry, Chonbuk National University
3Department of Veterinary Medicine, Kangwon National University
4Bio-Safety Research Institute, College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonbuk National University
흰쥐에서 출생후 고환 간질세포의 발생
태현진1, 이여광1, 박병용1, 박영재1, 최은영1, 이영훈2, 안동춘3, 강형섭4, 박상열4, 박수현4, 이존화4, 양홍현4, 김인식4
1전북대학교 수의과대학
2전북대학교 치과대학 해부학교실
3강원대학교 수의학과
4전북대학교 수의과대학 생체안전성연구소
Changes in the rat testis interstitium from birth to adulthood were studied using Sprague Dawley rats of 1, 7, 14, 21, 28, 40, 60, and 90 days of age to investigate Leydig cell differentiation. In addition, serum testosterone concentrations and luteinizing hormone stimulated (LH; 100 ng/ml) testosterone secretory capacity per testis in vitro were determined via radioimmunoassay. Fetal Leydig cells were present in rat testes from birth to 21 days, and they were only steroidogenic cells in the testis at days 1 and 7. The average volume of a fetal Leydig cell and the absolute volume of fetal Leydig cell per testis were similar at all ages of experimental groups except at day 21 when lower values were observed for both parameters. The number of fetal Leydig cells per testis remained constant from birth through 21 days. Adult Leydig cells were recognized at day 14 and their absolute volume and number per testis increased linearly from 14 to 90 days. The average volume of an adult Leydig cell increased significantly with age and reached maximum size by 60 days of age where the volume was nearly three times bigger than that of at day 14. Total testosterone production per testis in vitro and serum testosterone concentrations were not significantly different at day 1 compared with 7, 14, and 21 days of age. Significant increases were observed at days 40 and 60. Values at days 60 and 90 were not significantly different.
Key Words: Rat, Leydig cell, Postnatal development

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