Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2010;50(2):85-91.
Effect of tissue culture medium waste after harvest of Korean wild ginseng on growth performance and diseases resistance in broiler chickens
Jae-Won Seol1, Jae-Hong Park2, Joon-Seok Chae3, Hyung-Sub Kang1, Kyeong-Seon Ryu2, Chun-Seong Kang4, Sang-Youel Park1
1College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonbuk National University
2Department of Animal Resources and Biotechnology, College of Agriculture & Life Science, Chonbuk National University
3College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University
산삼배양액 급여에 따른 육계의 생산성 및 질병 저항성 효과
설재원1, 박재홍2, 채준석3, 강형섭1, 류경선2, 강춘성4, 박상열1
1전북대학교 수의과대학
2전북대학교 동물자원과학과
3서울대학교 수의과대학
The large amount of tissue culture medium (TCM), which contains some of the active secretory components of Korean wild ginseng (KWG; Panax ginseng) such as saponins, is usually discarded after harvest of KWG. The present study was aimed to investigate the efficacy of oral administration of the TCM-KWG on growth performance and diseases resistance in broiler chickens. A day old broiler chickens randomized in 6 groups (n = 60/groups) were administered orally with 0, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 mL/L TCMKWG through drinking water for 5 weeks and examined the change of weight gain, feed intake and blood components. Also, five weeks old broiler chickens (n = 15/groups) were challenged orally with Salmonella (S.) gallinarum and investigated the mortality in broiler chickens. An average weight gain and feed intake significantly didn't change in TCM-KWG administration groups as compared to control group. The concentration of calcium (Ca), phosphate (Pi) and potassium (K) in serum were increase by TCM-KWG administration in broiler chickens. We also found that oral administration of TCM-KWG through drinking water significantly reduced the mortality in broiler chickens experimentally infected with virulent S. gallinarum. The results of this study indicated that TCM-KWG administration may elevate the resistance on disease and improved the skeleton formation and body homeostasis of chickens, and TCM-KWG can be used as a cost-effective and environmentally alternative additives to control of the disease and growth.
Key Words: broiler chickens, mortality, Salmonella gallinarum, serum, TCM-KWG

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