Enumeration of Korean native goat erythrocytes (KGRBC)-rosette forming cells in peripheral blood of Korean cattle |
Ki-soo Cheong1, Neun-su Kim1, Dong-hoon Kim1, Myoung-dai Kang2, Hee-jong Song2 |
1Yeong Dong-Branch of Kangwon-Do Animal Health Laboratory 2College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonbuk National University |
재래산양 적혈구를 이용한 한우 순환 혈액내 rosette 형성 세포 정량 |
정기수1, 김년수1, 김동훈1, 강명대2, 송희종2 |
1가축위생시험소 영동지소 2전북대학교 수의과대학 |
Abstract |
In order to enumerate the T-lymphocytes in bovine peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) by E rosette assay, KGRBC were treated with various concentrations of 2-aminoethylisothiouronium bromide(AET) and dextran(Dex), singly or in combination. To further standardize the assay, optimum concentration of AET- and/or Dex-treatment and incubation time for rosette forming cell(RFC) counts were determined. The levels of B-lymphocytes in the PBL were evaluated by erythzocyte-antibody($EA_{Fc}$)- and erythrocyte-antibody-complement (EAC)-rosetting techniques. The results obtained were as follows; The PBL from 20 clinically normal Korean cattle were formed as low percentage of spontaneous E-rosette ($6.7{pm}2.4%$) in control group, whereas in KGRBC treated with 0.1M AET for 20 minutes and 8% Dex were formed as $37.3{pm}2.7%$ and $45.1{pm}2.1%$, respectively. And the synergistic effects were noted no less than $66.5{pm}5.6%$ when the KGRBC treated with 0.1M AET and 8% Dex subsequently and rate of RFR did not change significantly between 3~24 hours incubation time at $4^{circ}C$, EA-and EAC-RFR were $23.3{pm}9.1%$ and $23.1{pm}7.9%$, respectively. These results suggest that the KGRBC would be a useful agent for the enumeration of T-lymphocytes by E rosette assay and B-lymphocytes by EA- or EAC-rosette assay in cattle-PBL. |
Key Words:
E, EA, EAC rosette, AET, dextran, cattle-PBL |