Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1989;29(4):525-530.
Enumeration of Korean native goat erythrocytes (KGRBC)-rosette forming cells in peripheral blood of Korean cattle
Ki-soo Cheong1, Neun-su Kim1, Dong-hoon Kim1, Myoung-dai Kang2, Hee-jong Song2
1Yeong Dong-Branch of Kangwon-Do Animal Health Laboratory
2College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonbuk National University
재래산양 적혈구를 이용한 한우 순환 혈액내 rosette 형성 세포 정량
정기수1, 김년수1, 김동훈1, 강명대2, 송희종2
1가축위생시험소 영동지소
2전북대학교 수의과대학
In order to enumerate the T-lymphocytes in bovine peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) by E rosette assay, KGRBC were treated with various concentrations of 2-aminoethylisothiouronium bromide(AET) and dextran(Dex), singly or in combination. To further standardize the assay, optimum concentration of AET- and/or Dex-treatment and incubation time for rosette forming cell(RFC) counts were determined. The levels of B-lymphocytes in the PBL were evaluated by erythzocyte-antibody($EA_{Fc}$)- and erythrocyte-antibody-complement (EAC)-rosetting techniques. The results obtained were as follows; The PBL from 20 clinically normal Korean cattle were formed as low percentage of spontaneous E-rosette ($6.7{pm}2.4%$) in control group, whereas in KGRBC treated with 0.1M AET for 20 minutes and 8% Dex were formed as $37.3{pm}2.7%$ and $45.1{pm}2.1%$, respectively. And the synergistic effects were noted no less than $66.5{pm}5.6%$ when the KGRBC treated with 0.1M AET and 8% Dex subsequently and rate of RFR did not change significantly between 3~24 hours incubation time at $4^{circ}C$, EA-and EAC-RFR were $23.3{pm}9.1%$ and $23.1{pm}7.9%$, respectively. These results suggest that the KGRBC would be a useful agent for the enumeration of T-lymphocytes by E rosette assay and B-lymphocytes by EA- or EAC-rosette assay in cattle-PBL.
Key Words: E, EA, EAC rosette, AET, dextran, cattle-PBL

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