Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1995;35(4):853-861.
Studies on the radiological observation of lower urinary tract disease of cats
Sa-kyeng Shin1, Mitsuyoshi Nakakawa2, Hiroshi Uchiyama3, Kazuro Miyahara1, Mitoyoshi Sato1, Sang-keun Kim4, Tsuneo Hirose1
1Depart of Vet Med, Obihiro Univ. of Agr and Vet Med
2Nakakawa Animal Hospital
3Uchiyama Animal Hospital
4College of Vet Med, Chungnam National University
고양이 하부요로(下部尿路) 질환(疾患)의 X-선학적(線學的) 소견(所見)에 관한 연구(硏究)
신사경1, 나카가와미츠요시2, 우치야마히로시3, 미야하라카즈로1, 사토미토요시1, 김상근4, 히로세쓰네오1
1대광축산대학 수의학과 수의림상방사선학교실
4충남대학교 수의과대학
A total of 18 lower urinary tract disease(LUTD) cats were examined by radiographical finding. It is difficult of descend to particular on struvite crystal intraurinary bladder by the usual radiographical technique. However, we have lots of informations by imaging processing method on standing-up position radiograph. This method be helpful from now on LUTD research work.
Key Words: LUTD, urinary retention, hematuria, dehydration, cytoplegia, uremia

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