Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2000;40(3):505-514.
Characteristics of Salmonella species isolated from domestic poultry and environmental samples in Korea
Yong-ku Woo1, Hee-soo Lee1, Young-ju Lee1, Min-su Kang1, Bong-hwan Kim2, Jae-hak Kim1
1National Veterinary Research & Quarantine Service
2College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University
우리나라의 가금과 환경에서 분리한 Salmonella species의 특성
우용구1, 이희수1, 이영주1, 강민수1, 김봉환2, 김재학1
2경북대학교 수의과대학
This study was conducted to investigate the isolation prequency, serotypes, and related epidemiological properties of 341 Salmonella spp from domestic poultry and environmental samples during the period 1993-1995. A total of 1,918 samples was collected during the three years period in nationwide. Most of Salmonella spp were isolated from the intestinal contents of poultry, especially cecal(46.0%) and rectal(35.8%) contents. Among the tested samples, rat(28.5 %) was the most predominant Salmonella reservoirs and followed by duck(24.8%), broiler(18.8%), layer(14.8%) and feed(7.1%), in order. More than twelve Salmonella serovars were identified among the 341 Salmonella isolates. The most prevalent serotypes isolated from non-human sources were S enteritidis (22.3%) and S pullorum (21.9%), S muenchen (13.9%), S typhimurium (12.6%), S gallinarum, S meleagridis, S heidelberg, and S senftenberg were followed, in order. In layer chickens, S pullorum (26.0%) was the most predominant serotype but S muenchen (33.0%) was in broiler chickens, S enteritidis (28.4%) was in ducks, and S typhimurium (60.0%) was in rats, respectively. As a results, S enteritidis was identified as the most prevalent serotype in non-human Salmonella isolates in Korea during the period 1993-1995. A preliminary study on the phage typing of 19 S enteritidis selected from the nationwide scale was shown that S enteritidis phage type(PT) 4 was the most predominant PT, and SEPT 1, SEPT 6a, SEPT 7 and SEPT 7a variant were also found in the same period.
Key Words: Salmonella, serovar, poultry, environmental samples, phage type

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