Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2000;40(3):515-524.
Phage types of Salmonella enteritidis isolated from animal and human in Korea
Yong-ku Woo1, Mi-sun Park2, Seung-ryong Woo1, Bong-hwan Kim3, Jae-hak Kim1
1National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service, Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry
2Dapartment of Microbiology, National Institute of Health
3College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University
한국의 동물과 사람에서 분리한 Salmonella enteritidis의 phage types
우용구1, 박미선2, 우승룡1, 김봉환3, 김재학1
2국립보건원 세균질환부
3경북대학교 수의과대학
The present study was conducted to investigate the phage types(PT) of Salmonella enteritidis(SE) isolated from animals and human patients in Korea during the period 1993-1999. SE were isolated from chickens including the layer and broiler, duck, rat, swine and human patients in nationwide scale. A total of 231 non-human and 14 human SE strains were phage typed and 80.4%(197/245) of SE isolates tested could discriminate as a ten SEPTs including the RDNC by the 10 standard phages, which were brought from the Central Public Health Laboratory in England. In analysing of phage types both animal and human SE isolates, SEPT 4(55.4%) was the most prevalent in domestic animals including the layer(39.3%) and broiler(64.5%), duck(55.5%), and swine(75.0%) since 1993. About 57% of the S enteritidis from human was SEPT 4. Along with SEPT 4, SEPT 1, SEPT 6a, SEPT 7 and SEPT 7a var, SEPT 9b, SEPT 15, SEPT 21b and SEPT 22 were also found from animal and human SE isolates. SEPT 4(40.0%) was isolated from frozen chicken meats imported from China along with SEPT 7 and 7a var strains in this study. In conclusion, SEPT 4 was the most predominant SEPT in our country regardless of animal or human hosts including the Che-Ju island and almost exclusively found in domestic poultry(layer and broiler). During the review period, SEPT 4 has already been spreading continually among the animal hosts since 1993.
Key Words: Salmonella enteritidis, phage type, animal, human, Korea

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