Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2000;40(3):635-643.
Effect of carboxymethyl chitosan on postoperative intraperitoneal adhesion formation in the rat
Kwang-ho Jang, Yong-sam Kwon, Jung-eun Kim, Eun-ju Kwon, Tae-ho Oh, Keun-woo Lee, In-ho Jang
College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University
Rat에서 carboxymethyl chitosan의 복강수술후 유착형성에 미치는 효과
장광호, 권영삼, 김정은, 권은주, 오태호, 이근우, 장인호
경북대학교 수의과대학
The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of carboxymethyl chitosan(CMC) solution on preventing intraperitoneal adhesions. In this study, 44 rats were divided into four groups ; an untreated control group and three experimental groups that were treated with 3 ml of 1, 2 or 3% CMC solution, respectively. The anti-mesenteric serosa of the ileum was exteriorized and then abraded in a standard manner by scraping with a scalpel blade to create homogenous petechial hemorrhagic surface over a $0.5{ imes}1cm$ area. The adhesions were blindly assessed 2 weeks later by using a computerized tensiometer. The mean tensile strength(Newton) of formed adhesions was $2.48{pm}0.88$ in control group, $1.86{pm}0.56$ in the 1% CMC-treated group, $1.75{pm}0.71$ in the 2% CMC-treated group and $1.55{pm}0.60$ in the 3% CMC-treated group. The most favorable prevention against adhesion was achieved in the 3% CMC-treated group(p<0.01). We could conclude that CMC was effective on preventing the formation of postoperative small intestinal adhesions in the rat.
Key Words: carboxymethyl chitosan, intraperitoneal adhesion, rat, tensile strength

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