Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 2003;43(3):439-448.
Analysis of Nucleotide Sequence Encoding VP2 Protein of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Detected in Korea
Toh-kyung Kim1, Sang-geon Yeo2
1Gyeongnam Livestock Promotion Institute
2College of Veterinary Medicine, Gyeongsang National University
국내 분리 닭 전염성 F낭병 바이러스의 VP2 단백질 생산 유전자의 염기서열 분석
김도경1, 여상건2
2경상대학교 수의과대학
The VP2 gene of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) Chinju which was previously detected in Chinju, Korea was cloned and sequenced to establish the information for the development of genetically engineered vaccines and diagnostic reagents against IBDV. The nucleotide sequence of the entire Chinju VP2 gene consisted of 1,356 bases long encoding 452 amino acids in a single open reading frame (ORF). It consisted of 368 adenine (27.1%), 363 cytosine (26.8%), 339 guanine (25.0%) and 286 thymine (21.1%) residues. The predicted $M_r$ of the Chinju VP2 protein was 48 kDa, and the protein contained 13 phosphorylation sites by protein kinase C, casein kinase II or tyrosine kinase, whereas 3 asparagine-linked glycosylation sites were recognized. The nucleotide sequence of Chinju VP2 ORF had a very close phylogenetic relationship with 98-99% homology to that of the very virulent IBDVs (vvIBDVs) HK46, OKYM, D6948, UK661, UPM97/61 and BD3/99. Also, the Chinju VP2 protein revealed a very close phylogenetic relationship with 99-100% homology to that of these vvIBDVs. The Chinju VP2 protein had 100% amino acid identity in the variable region of residues 206-360 with that of the D6948, HK46, OKYM and UK661, as well as 100% identity in two hypervariable regions of residues 212-224 and 314-324 with those of the D6948, HK46, OKYM, UK661, UPM97/61 and BD3/99. The amino acid sequence of the chinju VP2 protein contained a serine-rich heptapeptide of SWSASGS as in these vvIBDVs.
Key Words: IBDV, VP2, nucleotide sequence

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