Korean Journal of Veterinary Research 1979;19(1):27-32.
Pathological Observations of Polycystic Kidney in a Korean Native Calf
Soo Dong Kwak, Cha Soo Lee
Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Agriculture, Gyeongbug National Universtity
한우(韓牛)에 발생(發生)한 Polycystic Kidney
곽수동, 이차수
경북대학교 농과대학
This paper dealt with the macroscopical and histopathological observations on the polycystic kidney occurred in a Korean native calf aged about a year. The results summarized are as follows: 1. In macroscopical findings, numerous cysts in the bilateral kidneys were seen under the renal capsule, and the cysts were various in size and clear or cloudy in their contents. The cysts in the inner area of the renal cortex were smaller than those of the outer area of the renal cortex in size and in number. 2. In microscopical findings, marked dilatations of Bowman's spaces and convoluted tubules were prominant feature. Numerous cysts with or without eosinophilic materials were contained atrophic glomerulus. prolferation of fibrous connective tissue, atrophy of convoluted tubules were also observed. Inner walls of the cysts were surrounded by cuboidal cells, sguamous cells or fibrous connective tissue. 3. This case was regarded as congenital polycystic kidney belonged to type III of Osathanondh and Potter.

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